These Bible Study Guides will give you the answers you’ve been searching for.

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The Revelation for Today Bible Study Guides are a great way to learn and share the timeless truths of God’s Word. They’re attractive, modern, and easy to use. While this series of study guides provides a practical and in-depth study experience, they are formatted in a simple question-and-answer style that will help you find and understand the Bible’s answers to your deepest questions. No matter what your background, worldview, or religious preference, these guides will speak to you directly about your life, salvation, and what the future holds. The Revelation for Today Bible Study Guides help to remove the confusion, mystery, and misapprehension that many have had about God and the Bible. Order your free study guides today, and discover the security and hope that God’s Word can give!

What Others Are Saying!

“We were so concerned with recent events and the world we would bring our children up in, but now we have hope!” – Megan

“I now understand Bible Prophecy for the first time in my life and have hope for the future! Now I know the news behind the news headlines and it all makes sense. This seminar delivered on everything it promised and really was free. Don’t let anything keep you from attending. It will change your life!” – Noel


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