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Register Today – This seminar will change your life!
“We were so concerned with recent events and the world we would bring our children up in, but now we have hope!” – Megan
October 5, 2018, 7 p.m.
Best Western State Fair Inn
School Auditorium
3120 S. Limit
Sedalia, MO
Inspiring speaker and Bible teacher, Robert M. Wagley, presents the series, Revelation Reveals – Hope For a World in Crises as an enlightened study of biblical concepts that offer important insights relevant to our world today. His easy to understand and unique approach to the study of the Bible’s most dynamic subjects as well as his love for people and engaging style have inspired audiences around the globe. You will be amazed as you discover life-changing perspectives that can make a profound difference in your life or spiritual journey. Robert’s professionally illustrated multi-media presentations have helped thousands of thinking and searching individuals gain a better understanding of life and world events from a positive scriptural perspective. This clear and concise series provides all who attend a whole new experience in understanding the dramatic yet often misunderstood prophecies of the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. You will discover and experience the blessing of the gospel combined with the compelling messages of the Bible prophecies presented with conviction and clarity. Plan now so you will not miss a single night of this comprehensive and unforgettable Bible series.
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