FREE Seminar Coming to Florence, SC

Begins Friday, March 2, 2018, 7:00 p.m.

Reserve Your Seat Now!

The Bible Will Be Our

What Others Are Saying!

“We were so concerned with recent events and the world we would bring our children up in, but now we have hope!” – Megan

“I now understand Bible Prophecy for the first time in my life and have hope for the future! Now I know the news behind the news headlines and it all makes sense. This seminar delivered on everything it promised and really was free. Don’t let anything keep you from attending. It will change your life!” – Noel

Don’t Miss Opening night!

Friday, March 2, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
Florence Auditorium
3605 Advent Lane
Florence, SC 29506

Our Gifts To You!

  • Free Admission!
  • Free Bible
  • Free Comprehensive Study Guides
  • Free Children’s Program ages (up to 11)

Meet Our Presenter

Pastor Leslie Louis
Pastor Leslie Louis was born on the island of Sri Lanka (Asia) and grew up there through most of his boyhood days. He completed his preparation for ministry at Southern Missionary College (Tennessee) and his graduate degree at Andrews University (Michigan). He has been involved with educational and pastoral ministry for the past 45 years. Pastor Louis has spoken in hundreds of churches across the United States along with international speaking appointments in England, India and several countries in Central America. He and his wife Carole have two married children and three precious granddaughters, and currently reside in Charlotte, North Carolina.


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